Guided Meditation

Guided meditation in progress

What is Meditation?

To me meditation/guided meditation is a state of awareness where you experience a deep sense of peace and calm, enabling you to fulfill your true human potential with an inner transformation that takes you to a higher level of awareness. You do not have to sit cross legged with your hands in a mudra position, you can easily just be sitting and allowing your body and mind to relax.

The word meditation, is derived from two Latin words : meditari (to think, to dwell upon, to exercise the mind) and mederi (to heal). Its Sanskrit derivation ‘medha’ means wisdom.

There are various forms of meditation including Mindfulness, Zen, Yoga and many more though I like to use Guided meditation.

Guided meditation is one of the easiest meditations to use especially if you have never tried it before. It fits into today’s busy lifestyle where we don’t have the time to sit for hours everyday trying to still our minds to obtain that sense of peace and fulfillment. Being guided stops the eternal chatter of your mind that often occurs when trying not to think of anything. It takes you on a journey by giving the left side of your brain something to do while allowing the right side of your brain to create new ideas that increase your productivity or tap into your higher knowledge to transform your life.

How can Guided Meditation help me?

The journey in guided meditation can be one of self-discovery, help improve sleep, reduce rumination (worry, negative self-talk and regret), stress reduction, improved immune system response, less emotional reactivity, improved overall well being, more focused and much more besides.

The beauty of meditation is that there is science behind it and it has been shown to decrease blood pressure, improve concentration (especially in children), be more social, reduce anxiety and much more if you look at the studies online.

What else do I need to know?

Meditation is non-religious and can be done by anyone no matter what age or what background you come from.

If you want a 1:1 meditation then that can be arranged for £77 and is normally 60-90 minutes or book three in advance for £200 where each session is channeled to cater to your unique needs, offering a personalised experience.

After pulling an oracle card, the meditation journey is tailored to address your present needs, ensuring you receive precisely what resonates with you at this moment.

I also give talks and a guided mediation to groups as I believe everyone should be meditating especially for their health.

Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation Evenings

If you have never tried meditation before, find it difficult to do on your own or just want to be part of a live guided one then join online and meet other like minded people.
Meditation can help improve sleep, reduce rumination (worry, negative self-talk and regret), stress reduction, improved immune system response, less emotional reactivity, improved overall well-being and much more besides.
Meditation is non-religious and can be done by anyone no matter what age or what background you come from.
This is over Zoom so you don't have to travel anywhere but stay in the comfort of your own home/garden if warm and sunny. All you need to do is make sure you have a good internet connection, video, microphone, speakers and won’t be disturbed to be able to join in.
I will sent you the payment details and once received I will send you the link.
Please try to log on by 7.30pm to start at 7.45pm. We aim to finish by 8.30pm.
All it costs is £10 and an hour of your time.
It is limited to 11 people so you will need to let me know in advance if you will be attending.

Next dates for online Guided Meditation are

13th August 2024

10th September 2024

8th October 2024

12th November 2024

10th December 2024

Bespoke 6 week meditation package so you can step into confidence to move forward on your spiritual or business journey for only £490.

You can find some of my guided meditations on Insight Timer.